Together Equal Branding & Design

Studies prove that parents can make a positive difference by talking to their children, whilst other research indicates that just a single conversation can have a significant, lasting impact on a person's opinion. Together Equal is a social enterprise which aims to create equality for all by creating conversations that build and challenge awareness of the inequalities prevalent in society. The branding for such an enterprise needed to be bold, bright and instantly recognisable.

Together Equal cards
Together Equal mark

Working an equals sign (=) into the branding was a no-brainer and I explored a few different ways of creating an interesting logomark, but it was my first concept that was the strongest. This mark has to work hard for the social enterprise and the chosen mark does this by being strong and clear. I then chose navy as a dark, serious colour and complemented it with coral to make the brand light and friendly.

The logo and branding needed to reflect Together Equal's core values of equality in society whilst being immediately recognisable.

Together Equal cards
Together Equal cards

Together Equal's first exercise was to create a set of conversation cards to get kids away from their devices and talking to each other, their families and their friends. The questions are designed to challenge social norms, bring down unconscious bias and tear down the invisible barriers of societal expectations. I designed and illustrated the whole pack, choosing a simple illustration style that would allow me to create each individual card in under 30mins. Since the first pack, we've created 2 more more editions – the latest being about race awareness.

In addition to the cards, I was tasked with designing a work book for a school programme, social media placards, posters, and an OOH ad. I needed to shoot the cards in some instances and evolve the branding for each new communication.

Together Equal posters
Together Equal OOH
Together Equal social media placard
Together Equal Race Awareness cards

Race awareness

Our current project at Together Equal is around the subject of race awareness. We developed a set of conversation cards that pose a lot of questions about and contains facts and stats about race. The new cards are more wordy so I chose a typographic design approach, with bold colours and thick type. They're currently in production and will be available soon!

Together equal app
Together equal app icon

We also made the original set of conversation cards into an app for iOS and Android. I created all of the designs and graphics based on the printed cards design.